St. Therese of Carmel 23 May 2013 5:30pm Men's Choir Mass
Before Mass: # 476 Send Us Your Spirit
Gathering: # 472 Come, Holy Ghost
Psalm: Ps. 104 # 60, Lord, Send Out Your Spirit
Preparation: # 481 Spirit Blowing Through Creation
Meditation: # 719 The Peace of God
Closing: # 477 Send Down the Fire
Father Nicholas Dempsey was the presider, assisted by Deacon John Fanelle. The Men's Choir sang and Omega Orchestra accompanied, directed by Laura Lotz.
Pentacost was celebrated.
Christianity should have failed from the very beginning, yet it did not. The odds were against success, but the message of salvation perseveres to this very day.
"Go and make disciples of all nations."