
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thank you St. Andrews

Thank you to St. Andrews for listing our podcast in their directory. See other Catholic podcasts at http://www.standrewcc.org/Podcasts.html

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

St. Therese of Carmel 26 January 2013 Men's Choir sings As We Gather At Your Table


As We Gather At Your Table by Tony Alonso

Laura Lotz on piano
Vincent Duong on oboe
Michelle Thompson on violin

St. Therese of Carmel 26 January 2013 Men's Choir sings We Are Many Parts


St. Therese of Carmel 26 January 2013 Men's Choir


Gathering: # 644 Sing A New Church, vs. 1, 2, 5
Psalm: Ps. 19 # 20 Lord, You Have the Words
Preparation: #727 We Are Many Parts
Communion: As We Gather At Your Table, Alonzo/sheet
Meditation: # 569 Open My Eyes
Closing: # 538 You Are the Voice

Father Nicholas Dempsey was the presider. Catholic Schools Week was discussed and promoted. A special thank you was made to the Sisters of Notre Dame Academy, our parish elementary school. Father Nick highlighted that we are one of the few parishes to have both an elementary school and a high school, Cathedral Catholic.

Men's Choir singing
Laura Lotz on piano
Vincent Duong on Oboe
Lynda Tamura on Flute
Michelle Thompson on Violin
Paul Williamson on Trumpet/Flugelhorn
David Timms on Bass

Thursday, January 24, 2013

St. Therese of Carmel 19 January 2013 Viktor 5:30pm


Viktor Schektman playing organ after the 5:30pm Mass. The work was Toccata by Hegarty. 

St. Therese of Carmel 19 January 2013 5:30pm


Opening Come and Journey With A Savior
Psalm Proclaim to All of the Nations
Preparation O God You Search Me
Communion Pan de Vida
Closing City of God
Postlude Toccata by Hegarty

The presider was Father Nick. The cantor was.

The homily was the Wedding Feast at Cana, with the emphasis on inviting Jesus to be part of our lives and homes.

A day of fasting and almsgiving was announced for 22 January 2013. NDA Catholic Schools Week was announced for the following week. Placement tests were announced for Cathedral Catholic High School. A funeral services talk was announced for March 2-3. The program for lent sharing and discussion groups was to be Love Life Live Lent. Poinsettias were available to take home. These decorations from Christmas were free to good homes. A speaker from the Goretti Group named Lisa gave a short speech on the group's goals and activities. This group was founded to counter the false images of love in our culture. The celebration of chastity and authentic love was emphasized, and resources were shared.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

St. Therese of Carmel 31 October 2004 9am Mass


Prelude Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on organ by Viktor Schektman
Opening We Walk by Faith
Psalm I Will Praise Your Name (my king and my God)
Preparatory For The Beauty Of The Earth
Instrumental Anthem violins, clarinet, and piano
Communion Jesus Wine of Peace
Meditation How Beautiful (Twila Paris)
Closing My Lord With Come Again

Dr. Sarah Lopez, music director, welcomed parishioners and introduced the songs. Father Nicholas Dempsey was the presider. Clarinet, Mark and Michael Doering on violins, Viktor Schektman on piano. Choir sounds clean, bouncy and bright. Solid alto line in the psalm refrain. 

The audio quality is limited due to the equipment used (plug-in microphone on a 1st generation iPod - you can hear the hard drive spin up from time to time!)

Father Bob Collins passing was announced. Jesus invitation to Zacchaeus, the tax collector in the sycamore tree, to come down was highlighted. The proposition on stem cells was coming up for a vote, and a speaker, Linda Stewart, from Respect for Life spoke about the issues in front of the voters in efforts to educate the congregation. 

Christine Linxweiler announced the founding of the Kids Korps chapter at St. Therese of Carmel. 

St. Therese of Carmel 24 October 2004 9am Mass


Opening Gather Us In
Psalm All the Ends of the Earth
Preparation Blest Are They
Instrumental Anthem piano, clarinet, violins
Communion Come to the Water
Meditation We Have Been Told
Closing Somebody's Knocking at your Door "if you can't sing, then clap" - Dr. Sarah Lopez

Violin duo of Mark and Michael Doering, clarinet, and piano played by Viktor Schektman. Tenors and basses sounded especially good throughout. 

Dr. Sarah Lopez, music director, welcomed parishioners and introduced the songs. Father Nick was the presider. 

Deacon Jim Walsh appealed for people to turn in their orders for message bricks for the walkway, and reminded us not to park in the bike lane. He made an appeal to the US Bishops annual anti-poverty donations. He then asked for volunteers for the ministry of hospitality, in efforts to expand their duties and make going to church a great experience instead of just a good one. 

He then appealed for volunteers for music ministry, mentioning especially smaller children, youth, and young adults. Youth ensembles were being formed, the Wigglies smaller children's groups were looking for more small singers. Jim emphasized that singers and instrumentalists of every kind and level were solicited. Teens especially, who may think "I can't sing, or I'm not good enough to play", were invited to meet with Sarah and step up to the challenge. "If you can sing in the shower, you are good enough to join." Guitar, bass, strings, percussion, technical work, behind the scenes, all were invited, even "crashing symbols". 

Friday, January 18, 2013

St. Therese of Carmel 17 October 2004 9am Mass


Instrumental Prelude You Satisfy the Hungry Heart. Violin duo of Mark and Michael Doering. Oboe (clarinet?). Piano played by Viktor Schektman. 
Opening Sing a New Song
Psalm All The Ends of the Earth 
Preparation On Eagle's Wings
Instrumental Anthem piano, oboe and/or clarinet, violins
Communion I am the Bread of Life
Meditation You Satisfy The Hungry Heart
Closing I am the Life of the World

Dr. Sarah Lopez, music director, welcomed parishioners and introduced the songs. Father Nick was the presider. 

Rain was noted by Father Nick, after 180 days of dry weather, to be an answer to Robert's prayers. The emphasis on incorporating prayer into daily life and persevering in prayer was made over the course of the Mass. Prayer being an essential ingredient of life, should be done consistently and well. Father Nick reminded people not to park in the bike lane, otherwise the police will ticket cars. Knights of Columbus and Scouts were outside selling Tootsie Rolls as a charity fundraiser for the mentally disabled. Laura Olveri spoke about the Fiesta Fundraiser Auction, to be held in May. Her co-chairs were Mary Renolds and Elizabeth Hutton. Laura solicited donations for the silent auction. Funds were to go towards the building fund. 

The audio quality is limited due to the equipment used (plug-in microphone on a 1st generation iPod - you can hear the hard drive spin up from time to time!) This particular file was overdriven. The singing was especially affected, but the spoken parts are acceptable. The choir is very intelligible, with clean diction and generally good balance. 

St. Therese of Carmel 10 October 2004 9am Mass


Numbers from current hymnal
Instrumental Prelude Do Not Be Afraid Mark and Michael Doering on violin and clarinet(?) or oboe(?)
Opening Praise To The Lord The Almighty
Psalm All The Ends of the Earth
Offeratory Amazing Grace
Instrumental Communion Anthem 
Communion How Great Thou Art
Meditation Do Not Be Afraid I am With You
Closing Now Thank We All Our God

Dr. Sarah Lopez, music director, welcomed parishioners and introduced the songs. 

The audio quality is limited due to the equipment used (plug-in microphone on a 1st generation iPod - you can hear the hard drive spin up from time to time!) but the choir sounds good. Plenty of soprano, and clear diction. One can hear a lot of descant during the hymns. 

Meg Casey appealed for eScrip sign-ups. This was a change from the paper scrip program, where you bought scrip from the church and turned it in at the grocery store. The eScrip program registered grocery club cards, and the scrip became automatic. Yearly renewals were required in eScrip, with October being the re-up month for St. Therese eScrip. 

The St. Therese movie was out, and parishioners were encouraged to see it in theaters. Read about the movie here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0286218/

St. Therese of Carmel 3 October 2004 9am Mass


Numbers from current hymnal
We Walk by Faith 583
Here I am Lord 671
violin, clarinet or oboe(?), and piano instrumental for preparation
We Remember 578
Closing The Servant Song 661
Closing Faith of Our Fathers 579

The first recording I have from St. Therese has "the twins" playing violin. Their names are Mark and Michael Doering. They brought me fresh eggs from time to time, which pretty much spoiled me for eggs. They stopped playing with us about 6 years ago. Viktor Schektman plays piano and organ. 

Dr. Sarah Lopez was the music director - I recognize her voice at the beginning of the service. We'd just changed the name of the church from St. William of York to St. Therese of Carmel. The statue out front had recently been commissioned. 

The audio quality is limited due to the equipment used (plug-in microphone on a 1st generation iPod - you can hear the hard drive spin up from time to time!) but the choir sounds bright, lots of soprano, and clear diction.

There sounds like there is another instrument in there as well - maybe a clarinet or oboe.

Maria Peterka very humorously appealed for wise men to audition for the Christmas Play "Three Wise Men and a Baby". 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

St. Therese of Carmel 6 January 2013 11am Mass

Teen Choir sings at 2013 Epiphany Mass.

Recorded 11am 6 January at St. Therese of Carmel Catholic Church, San Diego, CA, USA.

Photographs of the choir.

Monday, January 07, 2013

St. Therese of Carmel 24 December 2012 O Holy Night by Men's Choir and Omega Orchestra

O Holy Night

find the sheet music here.

Sunday, January 06, 2013

St. Therese of Carmel 6 January 2013 Epiphany

Teen Choir leads congregation on Epiphany Sunday at 11am Mass at St. Therese of Carmel Catholic Church, San Diego, CA, USA.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

St. Therese of Carmel 27 February 2011 11am Mass

11am Mass

St. Therese of Carmel 27 February 2011 9am Mass

9am Mass

St. Therese of Carmel 29 December 2012 Viktor Playing Organ

Viktor Playing Organ

St. Therese of Carmel 29 December 2012 530pm Mass

530pm Mass